Customs Clearance
Customs Clearance services provide a professional and compliant service to all importers and exporters within a wide range of industries and businesses.
We can assist in getting your cargo cleared through Australian Customs, Quarantine and other related governing regulatory authorities in and out of Australia.
There are a range of complex procedures required before importing and exporting. We advise of the correct up to date information that will assist your Business. Our experienced team provides an exceptional service, saving you time and money.
All items imported must be classified with customs correctly. After identifying the items and classifying them, we then calculate the correct Duty Rate and GST payable to Customs. From here we also determine, if there are any precedents from regulatory governing authorities on imported items.
Our experienced friendly team of Customs Brokers will guide you through the compliance process when importing shipments. We will keep you updated with the ever-changing Government Regulations and facilitate all your border clearance requirements ensuring your goods are declared correctly, including final delivery of your shipment.
Value added services to assist in saving time and money;
- Classification & Valuation of Commercial Shipments
- Commerce Markings on Imported Goods
- Correct Tariff Classification Advice and Listing
- Customs Brokers updated daily (electronically) on industry changes
- Customs Duty Audits and Refunds
- Customs Tariff Consultancy and Customs Tariff Audits if required
- Dumping and countervailing duty advice and assessment
- Electronic Entry of Imported Goods
- Electronic Funds Transfer for Duty Payments
- Landed into-store Costing Facilities
- Liaising with all government and regulatory bodies when applicable
- Local Transport and Deliveries
- Origin and preference including all current Free Trade Agreements
- Preparation & Lodgment of Excise Returns
- Quarantine Formalities and Risk Assessment
- Refund & duty drawback assessment and application
- Shipment Monitoring and Status Reports
- Tariff concession orders, application, revocation & assessment
- Technical Valuation and Legislation Advice
- Valuation advice service
Get a Quote
We provide a professional and exceptional service in Customs Clearance
Please contact us regarding Customs Clearance for Air or Sea Freight shipments to and from Australia.
We take the time to listen to your requirements and find a tailored solution for all your logistics needs.
No matter how big or small your shipments are – we will complete the Customs Clearance
process efficiently and with compliance to the standards of the various governing authorities.



We provide exceptional services – meeting all our client’s expectations for their ever-changing needs.
We have a vast experience in Customs Clearance compliance and provide a professional service.
Please contact us regarding Customs Clearance for Air or Sea Freight shipments to and from Australia.
We take the time to listen to your requirements and find a tailored solution for all your logistics needs.
No matter how big or small your shipments are – we will complete the Customs Clearance
process efficiently and with compliance to the standards of the various governing authorities.
Quick & Reliable
We are available 24/7 via email or telephone